
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) acts as a translation device to make national qualifications more readable across Europe, promoting workers' and learners' mobility between countries and facilitating their lifelong learning. The EQF will relate different countries' national qualifications systems to a common European reference framework. Individuals and employers will be able to use the EQF to better understand and compare the qualifications levels of different countries and different education and training systems.

EQF portal

The EQF portal provides the results of the national process for relating national qualifications levels to the levels of the EQF. In "Compare Qualifications Frameworks" page, it is possible to compare how national qualifications levels of countries that have already finalised their referencing process are been linked to the EQF.

The EQF portal further presents information "About the EQF" implementation, "Key Terms" that are agreed by all countries participating in the EQF and are essential to take into account when cooperating with stakeholders at national and international level in implementing the EQF. The EQF portal also seeks to gather relevant "Documentation" - legal text of the recommendation on the establishment of the EQF, other key policy documents and EQF notes and "Useful links" leads to other information sources that may prove useful for the comparability of qualifications. It is also possible to read and subscribe for the various issues of the "EQF Newsletter" through the EQF portal.


European Qualifications Framework Implementation e-community

The EQF Implementation e-community is meant to reach and inform a broad audience of experts, decision-makers and practitioners involved in education, training and qualifications. The aim is to encourage and support debate on the way in which the European Qualifications Framework is being put in practice both within EU countries and at the European level. The overall objective is to better organise and stimulate the flow of information between the members and notably to offer them dissemination tools that can increase the visibility of their own activities, to the community members or to the public at large, when this is relevant. In this regard, the e-community is open experts, decision-makers and practitioners active in the field of NQF development and implementation, referencing to European frameworks and working with or using qualifications for different purposes.

Its library contains legal texts, policy documents, guidance material, project reports, discussion papers that may be useful referencing for those working on the implementation of the learning outcomes approach, NQF development and implementation and referencing to the EQF. The VC calendar posts information on relevant national and European meetings, conferences and seminars. 

 European Research Network in Vocational Education and Training - VETNET
The new social networking site for VETNET is expected to help promote communication and debate between new and old VETNET members and colleagues. The site will provide details of VETNET conference events but in addition, will enable VETNET members to collaborate between conferences and events and develop new projects and research at a European level.

Referencing National Qualifications to the EQF
The European Qualifications Framework (EQF) provides a common reference framework which assists in comparing the National Qualifications Frameworks, systems and levels, whether for general and higher education or for vocational education and training. This online tool allows users to compare their national qualifications frameworks and those of other EU member states and countries participating in Education and Training 2010 programme with the EQF.

Trans-European Qualifications Framework Development (TransEQFrame)
TransEQFrame (2007-2008) was a project that brought together partners in seven European countries that are in the process of developing their National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) and through a range of trans-national co-operative activities tried to ensure a strong European dimension to the NQFs and to contribute towards the relevance and effectiveness of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF). The project EQF-Ref builds on the experiences and existing networks established within the project TransEQFrame.
Qualifications can cross boundaries - a rough guide to comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland
The website allows you to access information on the level descriptors for each framework in Ireland and the UK, the qualifications that sit underneath each level, the websites of the bodies responsible for the qualifications, and much more.
The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET)
The EU Member States and the Commission are developing a system to facilitate the recognition of knowledge, skills and competences gained by individuals through periods of vocational education and training abroad. The European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) will give people greater control over their individual learning experiences and make it easier to move between different countries and different learning environments.

ECVET Testing and Development
The "European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET) testing and development" website website informs about activities and initiatives to test, implement and further develop ECVET at European level.
On this website, you will find information and latest news about:

  • The ECVET technical specifications based on the Recommendation of the European Parliament and the Council
  • The ECVET testing and development process
  • The ten ECVET pilot projects that have been selected in 2008 as part of the Lifelong Learning programme of the European Commission (DG Education and Culture)
  • other projects and initiatives whose activities are related to ECVET.

EQAVET - European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training
EQAVET is a community of practice bringing together Member States, Social Partners and the European Commission to promote European collaboration in developing and improving quality assurance in VET by using the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework.

Knowledge System on Lifelong Learning (KSLLL)
Knowledge System on Lifelong Learning - KSLLL In order to enhance the visibility of the outputs of the Education and Training 2010 work programme, the European Commission has developed the KSLLL (Knowledge System on Lifelong Learning) website which will offer you the possibility to find easily accessible and up-to-date information on mutual learning in the fields of education and training for the development of lifelong learning in Europe.