2009-11-22-23: International Seminar on NQF/EQF (Warsaw)

The Polish Ministry of Education and its partners in the systemic project "Stocktaking of competences and qualifications for the Polish labour market and the development of the National Qualifications Framework model" are organising the international seminar "Mutual trust in the process of referencing national qualifications systems to the European Qualifications Framework", which will take place on 22-23 November 2009 in the Intercontinental Hotel in Warsaw. The seminar is aimed at making the participants familiar with particular national qualifications frameworks' elements, the concept of "building mutual trust" in the EQF referencing process and with 10 referencing points of the EQF Advisory Group. The agenda of the seminar includes among the speakers, besides Polish experts, foreign guests: Mr Jens Bjornavold from European Centre for Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop), Mr Eduard Staudecker from Federal Ministry of Education, Art and Culture (Austria), Ms Anne McGillivray from the University of the West of Scotland. Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it