Results of the EQF-Ref Project


EQF Referencing Process and Report (EQF-Ref, May 2011)

The final publication of the EQF-Ref project is composed of four parts:

  • Part I is the introductory part which describes the background of the EQF-Ref project, its aims and partnership.
  • Part II is related to the EQF referencing process and addresses the following issues: who is responsible for this process, who organises it, how are stakeholders involved, what is the timeframe for this process, how are international experts involved and how can other kinds of international cooperation be used in this process, what is the role of the EQF Advisory Group.
  • Part III is related to the structure and content of the referencing report and focuses in particular on Criterion 2 (linking national qualifications levels to the EQF levels) and on Criterion 4 (transparent criteria and procedures for classifying qualifications in an NQF).
  • Part IV is related to the phase following the EQF referencing process and addresses the following issues: when do EQF referencing reports need to be updated, how can the reports be analysed and evaluated and who are the actual beneficiaries of the referencing processes.

"EQF referencing: process and reports - challenges and open questions"

Peer-Learning Seminar organised by the EQF-Ref project
30.-31.3.2011 - Sofia, BG





Plenary session - Introduction


Opening address

Deyan Pushkarov, President of the National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (BG)



Eduard Staudecker, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture (AT)  


Slava Pevec Grm, Cedefop


Key note speech “EQF referencing – experiences and activities“ – Mike Coles (UK)

Download presentation

EQF-Ref project – Monika Auzinger, 3s (AT)

Download presentation





EQF referencing process and reports – some results from the EQF-Ref project

Download presentation


Karin Luomi-Messerer, 3s (AT)



Milada Stalker, NUOV (CZ)                                    Georg Hanf, BIBB (DE)



Carita Blomqvist, FNBE (FI)                                  Pia Deveneijns, MBO Raad (NL)




Workshop 1: How to address Criterion 2 in the Referencing Report?

Download presentation




Workshop 2: How to address Criterion 4 in the Referencing Report?

Download presentation ZOOM project


Workshop 3: How to address Criterion 7 in the Referencing Report?

Download presentation



Panel discussion: “EQF referencing – What happens afterwards?”



EQF-Ref Project Folder



National Case Studies

These reports describe the steps and procedures that partner countries are planning or have already accomplished in referencing national qualifications levels to the EQF (September/October 2009).

EQF Referencing Process – Exchange of Experience: Summary of national case studies, conclusions and recommendations

This report is summarizing and comparing the different national approaches and aims at identifying challenging issues in the set of EQF referencing criteria as well as at developing first recommendations for the preparation of the referencing processes and reports (January 2010).



EQF Referencing Process – Examples and Proposals (EQF-Ref). Progress Report
