2009-11-22-23: International Seminar on NQF/EQF (Warsaw)

The Polish Ministry of Education and its partners in the systemic project "Stocktaking of competences and qualifications for the Polish labour market and the development of the National Qualifications Framework model" are organising the international seminar "Mutual trust in the process of referencing national qualifications systems to the European Qualifications Framework", which will take place on 22-23 November 2009 in the Intercontinental Hotel in Warsaw.

2009-11-18-19: Workshop and conference “Qualifications into the new framework?!” (Tallinn)

A workshop and a conference are organised to introduce developments of the Estonian Qualifications Framework and the referencing process to the EQF.

2009-11-17-18: Launching Conference of ECVET and EQARF (Brussels)

The long-awaited recommendations of the European Parliament and of the Council on EQARF and ECVET, adopted on 18 June 2009, are a major step forward in the renewed Lisbon Strategy and the Copenhagen Process for vocational education and training.
They provide solutions to several related issues - among others, the mobility of learners in Europe, quality in VET provision and management, and helping learners create their own pathways to qualification. To translate these recommendations to reality, all stakeholders need to be closely involved. This is the aim of the launching conference: to bring together all stakeholders, explain what is at stake, show what has been achieved so far, and invite them to help shape the process with their own actions and ideas. More information can be found here.

2009-11-17-18: „Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen - Deutscher Qualifikationsrahmen – aktuelle Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen“ ("EQF - German NQF - current developments and challenges") (Berlin)

Second conference of the "Senatsverwaltung für Integration, Arbeit und Soziales, Berlin". Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

2009-11-05-06: Cedefop second EQF LdV Sectoral Workshop (Brussels)

Cedefop is holding its second EQF LdV Sectoral Workshop in Brussels, under the title: "Testing the EQF: relating international, national and sectoral qualifications to EQF". The event will bring together experts and project promoters of 21 selected ongoing EQF/Sectoral LdV pilot projects (2007 and 2008 calls) as well as representatives from Cedefop and the Commission. Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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